
上传时间:2022-10-14  访问量:787

很喜欢麻省理工学院一位招生官说的话:Trying to define admissions with a formula is like trying to define life with a formula。It's like trying to explain poetry using calculus. It would take the human component out of it, which is perhaps the most important part. 想用一个公式来定义招生,就如用一个公式定义生活/生命一样,就像用微积分来解释诗歌,这样做会抽离人这个可能最重要的部分。跨过学术和考试上的门槛后(参照藤校麻斯录取因素数据分析,把申请者作为学生As a Student的各项评估),招生官看的就是申请者作为人(As a Person) 的魅力,具体展示在19项影响录取的因素中的最重要的3项:Extracurricular activities课外活动,Talent/Ability天赋/才能;Character/Personal Qualities性格/人品。

那么如何借助活动展示申请者哪些独一无二的特质?本篇我们从招生官What We Look For的答案解读,希望能让在做规划和申请季的同学【看见】自己的闪光点,也可能抛砖引玉对中小学乃至更早的育儿之道提供一些思考。

Part I:哪些课外活动是好活动?

Stanford 斯坦福大学

Learning about your extracurricular activities and nonacademic interests helps us understand your potential contributions to the Stanford community. You may also hold down a job or have family responsibilities. These are as important as any other extracurricular activity. In general, we want to understand the impact you have had at your job, in your family, in a club, in your school or in the larger community, and we want to learn of the impact that experience has had on you.


Columbia 哥伦比亚大学

Columbia is a vibrant residential community where learning happens everywhere students gather—Furnald Lounge, Carleton Commons, Low Steps and more. Your commitments to your household, school, and broader interests and communities can demonstrate how you might engage as a peer and participant in this rich campus life.


Harvard 哈佛大学

• Will you contribute something to Harvard and to your classmates? Will you benefit from your Harvard experience?

• Would other students want to room with you, share a meal, be in a seminar together, be teammates, or collaborate in a closely-knit extracurricular group?

• 你会为哈佛和你的同学做出哪些贡献?你会从哈佛经历中受益吗?

• 有其他同学愿意和你做室友,共享一顿午餐,一起参加研讨会,成为队友,或者在紧密的课外活动小组中合作吗?

MIT 麻省理工学院

Remember that there are many ways to make the world better—we’re not looking for applicants to have cured all infectious disease in the world by the time they’re 15. Tutoring a single kid in math changes the world. Lobbying a senator to amend bad policy changes the world. There are thousands of examples.


除了招生官直白简单的语录,在招生这个双向选择的过程中,基本上Top 30 的大学在申请文书中都会涵盖 What contribution can you make to our school community(你能为申请的大学所做的贡献),换而言之大学为什么要选你?大学招生官一直强调的多样性Diversity,他们想招到非常不同的学生,然后看这些学生在一起能有什么火花产生。换个角度,回想在高中或者畅想在大学的各个角落,哪里有我的位置?我在课堂实验或者project中会积极参与吗?看见社团成员和社长都在划水我会怎么做?能给室友带来什么?会继续哪些兴趣爱好或者是否想尝试新的活动?对未来大学的贡献,可以从对现在学校的贡献推及!

MIT 麻省理工学院

In a nutshell, you should be invested in the things that really mean something to you (we’re not particularly picky as to what). Explore! Choose quality over quantity—you don’t have to do a million things to get into college. Put your heart into a few things that you truly care about and that will be enough.


Harvard 哈佛大学

• Do you care deeply about anything—Intellectual? Extracurricular? Personal?

• What have you learned from your interests? What have you done with your interests? How have you achieved results? With what success or failure? What have you learned as a result?

• What is the quality of your activities? Do you appear to have a genuine commitment or leadership role?

• 你有任何真正关心的事情吗?学术上的,课外活动,个人的?

• 你从兴趣中学到了什么?有哪些行动?结果如何,是成功还是失败,从中学到了什么?

• 你的活动质量怎么样,有真心的投入或者担任领导力的角色吗?

Stanford 斯坦福大学

Students often assume our primary concern is the number of activities in which a student participates. In fact, an exceptional depth of experience in one or two activities may demonstrate your passion more than minimal participation in five or six clubs. We want to see the energy and depth of commitment you will bring to your endeavors, whether that means in a research lab, as part of a community organization, during a performance or on an athletic field.


Cornell 康奈尔大学

Extracurricular activities. Community involvement. Workplace experience. Leadership. What special talents or interests have you developed?


课外活动的投入度/参与度代表了你的时间精力和心思都花在哪里,也可以展示你对其重视程度。现在的学生大多爱好广泛且多才多艺,同学们更多的需要甄别哪些活动是真爱,也要思考不同的活动给我带来了什么体验/触动/想法,或者塑造了我哪些的性格。有学生因为对足球的热爱,可以放弃自己最爱喝的可乐,养成自律的习惯,也有学生实力最强甘当守门员,成为团队低调而强大的后盾;有学生在养老院弹奏钢琴,不仅服务了社会,还在此过程治愈了自己的“社交恐惧症”。还有家长说过:“你还别说,学了芭蕾之后有一次我们去照相,老板觉得我女儿气质出众还征求我们的同意把她的照片拿出来展示”。 如果能中小学阶段多一些这样的观察和思考,早日帮助学生找到的真爱做加减法,日积月累,同学们就可以展现出远超超过同龄人的成熟和成就,可谓是事半功倍。

Part II 招生官看重哪些“闪光点”?

Princeton 普林斯顿大学

Curious, Committed, Creative. Princeton students are driven by the desire to push the boundaries of knowledge and service on campus and around the world.


Columbia 哥伦比亚大学

Indications of curiosity might include a desire to investigate big ideas and to examine and solve thorny problems; a questioning, unbounded spirit of inquiry and innovation; openness to cross-disciplinary scholarship, diverse perspectives and new ideas; and a willingness to interrogate personal beliefs and belief systems.


Stanford 斯坦福大学

We want to see your commitment, dedication and genuine interest in expanding your intellectual horizons, both in what you write about yourself and in what others write on your behalf.We want to see the kind of curiosity and enthusiasm that will allow you to spark a lively discussion in a first-year seminar and continue the conversation at the dinner table.


Yale 耶鲁大学

Many years ago, former Yale President Kingman Brewster wrote that selecting future Yale students was a combination of looking forthose who would make the most of the extraordinary resources assembled here, those with a zest to stretch the limits of their talents, and those with an outstanding public motivation – in other words, applicants with a concern for something larger than themselves. Our goals remain the same today. Decade after decade, Yalies have set out to make our world better. We are looking for students we can help to become the leaders of their generation in whatever they wish to pursue.

多年前,耶鲁的前校长Kingman Brewster写道,耶鲁筛选出来的是那些能最大限度利用耶鲁非凡资源的学生,那些带着热情去突破自己天赋的极限的学生,还有那些心系天下的人—换句话说,那些学生关心的事比自己还重要。我们的目标至今没有变过。十年又十年,耶鲁的校友们已经开始让我们的世界变得更好。我们寻找的学生是那些能,通过我们的帮助,成为他们这一代的领袖的人,无论他们追求什么。

University of California 加州大学

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. Things to consider: A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?


MIT 麻省理工学院

The core of the MIT spirit is collaboration and cooperation; you can see it all over the Institute. Many of the problem sets (our affectionate term for homework) at MIT are designed to be worked on in groups, and cross-department labs are very common. MIT is known for its interdisciplinary research. If you enjoy working alone all the time, that’s completely valid, but you might not be particularly happy at MIT.



MIT 麻省理工学院

MIT is an active, hands-on place. Innovation is risky and messy! Getting your hands dirty and trying something new is often the best way to achieve success. We apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems here; our Latin motto means “Mind and Hand.” In other words, you shouldn’t just enjoy thinking, you should also enjoy doing.


University of California 加州大学

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.


MIT 麻省理工学院

Opportunities are abundant at MIT, but they must be seized. Research projects, seed money, and interesting lectures aren’t simply handed to students on silver platters here. For those students who take initiative—who take advantage of what’s around them—MIT’s resources are unparalleled.


Harvard 哈佛大学

Do you have initiative? Are you a self-starter? What motivates you?


Cornell 康奈尔大学

Have you challenged yourself with the highest-level courses? How have you demonstrated your passion for learning?


Cornell 康奈尔大学

Honesty. Open-mindedness. Initiative. Empathy. Your values are important to Cornell. Do your application essays and recommendations reflect your strongest personal attributes?


Harvard 哈佛大学

• What choices have you made for yourself? Why?

• How open are you to new ideas and people?

• What about your maturity, character, leadership, self-confidence, sense of humor, energy, concern for others, and grace under pressure?

• 哪些选择/决定是为自己做的?为什么?

• 你对新的观念和人有多开放?

• 你在成熟度,性格,领导力,自信,幽默感,精力,关心他人这些方面怎么样?压力下能否保持优雅?
